
How to screw-up project without taking responsibility (and how to prevent this)? (2)

Today we'll continue on the series that started last week, and discuss another pretty "effective" way that some project managers adopt to avoid taking responsibilities when experiencing project failure, which is to allow conflicts within the project team.

Being a project manager is never an easy task, and to be honest, there're pretty much scenarios or factors that could impact to the project schedule. Without proper project scope definition, efficient communication and control in place, regular monitoring of project pace, or stakeholder expectation management, or an instinct to spot project risks, a project can easily go wrong.

When a project is not delivering the expected result, or when a project is just keep delaying without meeting the milestones, it is not uncommon that a project manager is being asked to explain the root causes. To some project managers, one most important skill is not to deliver the project itself, but to be able to create a sound story, which can explain how unavoidable the delay was.

For full article, visit @medium

