The third article in this series, and this time the focus will be related to scope definition.
As mentioned in multiple other blog posts, one of the most critical skills in project management is about scope management. This covers not just the initial scope definition at the start of the project, but also an ongoing effort to understand what is related to the project, what is the priority, and essentially an understanding on the logical dependency for different components of the projects, that allows project managers to determine whether to launch the changes by phases when needed.
There is, however, quite a number of project managers who work in the other way round, which is to unreasonably bundle the different items together, forming huge projects that are not easy to understand the dependencies. Honestly speaking, there're quite some good reasons for combining projects. We have to understand when and why to combine projects, that we can judge whether the reason makes sense from an overall company perspective.
For full article, please refer to Medium.